Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why so many Jehovah's Witnesses suicides

Most  Jehovah's Witnesses will know of many suicides within their ranks . I know of 6
personally .

As many know,  what happens is a individual is shunned or disfellowshipped by the
decree of 3 unqualified Jehovah's Witness elders . For any one of a long list
of perceived transgressions . Some biblical some not .

If the person was born a Jehovah's Witness then their whole Jehovah's Witness family will
immediately shun them . As will all friends in the cult .


This many times leads to depression and suicide .

When confronted with their unchristian application of shunning most Jehovah's Witnesses
will dishonestly misrepresent the realities of it .

Here are the common lies they tell .

"We only disfellowship for biblical wrong doing ."

"Only people who are stubbornly unrepentant are disfellowshipped ."

"Disfellowshipping is loving. "

Since Jehovah's witnesses disfellowship people for smoking tobacco its obvious
that they don't follow the bible . Its also a fact that a high percentage of
shunnings occur for the "sin" of changing one's mind about the teachings
of the cult .  Or even just asking forbidden questions about the sordid history
of the Jehovah's witnesses or their doctrinal scandals  .

The following links are of  EX Jehovah's witnesses and current members
discussing the prevalence of suicide .





DR Jerry Bergman PHD his book "Jehovahs Witnesses and the problem of mental illness"

In Memory of Eric Reeder

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